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Refereed Journal Articles


Accepted        Evidence for incomplete neutralization in Chilean Spanish. Accepted to Phonetica, 2 Sept 2018. Accepted version

2018                Brogan, Franny and Mariška Bolyanatz. A sociophonetic account of onset /s/ weakening in Salvadoran Spanish: Instrumental and segmental analyses. Language Variation and Change 30(2):1-28. Author proofs


2015                “La /s/ y la /d/ del castellano chileno: Un análisis variacionista.” Voices 3(1): 63-80. Complete PDF:


2012                “Ahora, por ejemplo: ahora as a discursive deictic in Chilean Spanish.” Mester 41(1):79-98. Complete PDF:


Conference Proceedings

2015                “Las estrategias compensatorias de los hablantes chilenos: una ampliación acústica de la investigación de /s/ implosiva.” In Normas 7: Perspectivas actuales en el análisis fónico del habla: Tradición y avances en la fonética experimental, ed. Adrián Cabedo Nebot. Pp. 373-386. Complete volume:

2012                Potowski, Kim, and Mariška Bolyanatz. Reactions to (in)felicitous codeswitching: Heritage speakers vs. L2 learners. In Selected Proceedings of the 14th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, ed. Kimberly Geeslin & Manuel Díaz-Campos. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Complete PDF:

Manuscripts in Submission


2018                Bolyanatz Brown, Mariška and Brandon Rogers. Social perception of intervocalic /k/ voicing in Chilean Spanish. Revised version submitted to Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception (Ed. Whitney Chappell).


2018                Sociophonetic evidence for change in progress in Chilean Spanish. Submitted to Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics.

2010 - present

2010 - present

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